Do you know men never forget their first love.
But for a woman, there is no nutritional value. Whether their 1st man or the second, there is nothing. The finally man is the all for the woman.
Once my teacher told me that LOVE is not exist...instead she told us that the so-called love is actually CARING which exist between the she advised us the inexperianced don't always agree to do everythings the other partner requested which can harm or hurt ourself, even when they are forceful. If they really love you, they won't hurt or force you. Instead, they should understand and accept us. This is where caring exist...With understanding and acceptance, happiness will eventually come in...
This book is fun to read and got a lot of informations that guys or gals should know about:
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Psychology of man and woman
Posted by Carole jing at 11:46 PM 6 comments
Labels: facts
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Finally I could have peace..
Last Friday was the end of my As(physics & maths). For the upper six students, the papers were the end of their A levels but for me, it's just only the beginning of my A level...I have no comment regarding the papers. What I can said is that I got to study hard again next year.
Many of my friends' birthday fall on this month. On that particular day ecspecially at Candy's house, I realized one thing. A fews years back ago, there were normally 6 of us. In this year, one of us is somewhere else. She is Chia Yi...Without her present somewhat didn't feel right. Whenever she's with us, she was always the one who giggling the most.
There were a lots of setbacks on this month...This month is totally draining my spirit and restlessness. Furthermore, I was so frustrated as there was nothing I could have done to speak for myself...
Posted by Carole jing at 8:08 PM 1 comments
Labels: inner thought
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A day at Yy
It happened when I was about to clean the toilet. At the edge of the bathtub was a bucket of detergent. It had been there for couple of days. Aiya... the same lame reason...lazy bug...Then, I accidently hit the bucket. The liquid splashed out everywhere and entered one of my eye...Ouch! My eye hurt so bad that I thought I was going blind...Immediately, I sprayed water into my eye as much as I could...When I tried to open my eye, it hurt badly...Luckily, my eye can see again!...Myb i was a bit exagerating here.
TODAY is a special day....well it becoz --->HAPI BIRTHDAY MY CUNNIE - CUTE +FUNNY
Just like mimihuhu said, dun be mature 1st, CHILDISH rockzz!!
Posted by Carole jing at 12:00 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
my 18th birthday!
I have been away for a while because exam is ard the corner and I have been written sth in my personal journal due to some private thingys...Most importantly, someone special had motivated me to write today-Thanks to mimihuhu again..huahua...
how does everyone of you celebrate your birthday? Buying cake? Planning a big party? For me I find all of this unnecessary. Party is tiring. Cake is so common. Its only one day btw.
19th oct is my birthday, however, my 18th birthday is the most meaningful one so far...
In the past, I would get frustrated if I didn't get a cake for every of my birthday. Seeing me upset, my aunt came before me and started telling me the truth behind birthday which I never thought before. She said on the day we are borned to the spectacular world, at the same time, our mother also going through all the labour pain...which is very, she said we are supposed to show our appreciation to our beloved mother instead of just enjoying ourself...
Altho this year, my birthday was happened to come in btw the exam, still it worth birthday happened to be on Sunday, so my mum brought me to church that morning...on the way, I read a msg which I received from my best friend Cecilia at 12.00am...we haven't meet for some times already. I also received many greetings from my friends which haven't contact for quite some time. I don't reli mind if I don't get a cake on my birthday-altho my parents said they want to buy me one but I kept insisting that I didn't need one...
Thanks Cunnie for the present!! I'm lovin it!! I'll keep it properly because I know you have spent a lot of time looking for it...and the best of all is mimihuhu's nice, pleasant, touching greetings...I'm so glad that someone is actually appreciating heart is looking for mimihuhu in uk...XD
Posted by Carole jing at 2:52 AM 3 comments
Labels: sth sum1 special
Friday, September 19, 2008
Poor Babies
Recently, milk poisoning fall upon the poor babies mainly in China....and over 6000 babies caught the poisons, resulting in some suffered from kidney failures and even death...
The cause of the poisoning is due to the present of melamine, a chemical that used in plastic manufacturings which make the protein contents appears higher. Those people are inhumanity. How can they did such a thing just to make the milk more marketable!
Posted by Carole jing at 11:47 PM 1 comments
Labels: news
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A sense of purpose
My mum was away for 5 days at Penang to attend my cousin's wedding, so during this period I had to look after the house. The 1st fews day was still ok but then I felt I can't cope with this anymore...feel so stress plus my dad always direct me to do this and that...sigh...
Last night, I was in the mood of fulfilling my duty, and so I prepared a dinner. Since my dad is carnivourous, I had no choice but to include meaty. I was searching in my freezer and discovered this fish-head which I thought it was fish-tail in the 1st place becoz it was covered in alum. foiled.
So, last night dinner consisted of;
- hot and sour soup (instant one)
- a veg (dunno the name)
- a fish-head (they finished it. So, I could presumed its quite tasty.)
This was the 1st time I handled a fish, I don't even dare to touch it. Using plastic, I washed the fish inside and out...I felt nausea when I looked at the blood and all the internal organs...
The cooking part is quite simple and easy.
Firstly, I marinated the fish using "kunyit", soy sauce and sesame oil which my mum always do.
Afterthat, I fried the fish in a non-stick pan for about 7-8 min until the fish become golden crust. Then, I baked the fish for 20 min at 180 degree celcius...I followed this method in food channel...Tho, the duration may be inaccurate...I think the fish is cooked by then...XD
Although the process is hard but the result is worthwhile. I felt like never before maybe because of this new sense of purpose. I was thinking to become a cook in the future...:P
Doing sth that we scare wasn't that bad afterall...You might discover a new sense of purpose in the end! XD
Posted by Carole jing at 7:27 PM 3 comments
Labels: cooking
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Before I proceed any futher, I would like to thank my friends for their keen interest in my blogging-thanks for the sweet^^
There's something buried inside me that want to share with you all...It often happens in our societies yet it seems no end to it...though it never to me but it is so helpless...
Everytimes you read a newspaper, there will be somethings like rapes, sexual abuse, etc.
These traumas often occurs on the innocent and helpless people such as children...What's even worst is that it happens in the members of a family which is known as incest...The victim often suffer persistently abuse and they have no one to turn to as they carrying the obligations...until they are old enough to find out it was a threat...For the quiet and magnanimous, they usually cover the whole things to save their family...
What about the other member of the family? Everyone must responsible for what they have done...
I think I will never understand the victims's they carry on their lives after the tragedies..
Posted by Carole jing at 5:05 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
mimihuhu da fang plus
~friendship is more important than money
this post is dedicated to chia yi (:da fang:)~the generous
i just came back from airport and i feel like i have sth very important need to be delivered to you...i have read your blog and it was the most amazing blog ever...i'm very happy that you are looking forward to see me update my are really the most amazing friend ever...thankyou...and thanks for the fries which i'm eating's delicious...
i still remember the 1st time i saw you in form 2, i can't get my eyes off you...because you are gorgeous eventhough you were wearing "tudung" at that have nice skin and wonderful smile-don't quite remember becoz u haven got braces dat time...
when everyone seems to avoid me, that time you defensed me when i got mocked by one of your closest friend-at least you let me know there's still someone sympathized on are such a caring person...
but the following year, we were in the different, not much contact...not until this year...
i was happy because we shared the same chemistry block...we played, we laughed, we concentrating, we write faster as miss tan speed up...and we also had a lot of fun during the practicals^^
without you, it didn't seem right at all...
da fang~ soriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...i broke my mum couldn't take us to miri becoz she felt the responsibility is too big. so, when you come back, we go again by ourselves...^.^v
to compensate for this, i have decided to buy u a prom dress...don't ever reject o...but then, not enough time le.....only until u come back, then we go shop 2gether ya!! sometime in the june rite!! count down ------>10 months to go..
i do have some useful advices for u;
- stay sharper
- stay shine
- stay smart
- stay happy go lucky
- stay cool
- stay here...wahahaha
just like i said, my shadow is always looking after u...coz i'm going to miss you most of the time...hit me back o!! dun be selfish youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!
da fang

Posted by Carole jing at 6:26 AM 4 comments
Labels: friendship
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
star = good omen
My granny used to tell me that whenever you see stars in the sky, that's mean you are lucky...
I don't understand at first...but then it may be true...How many of you stare at the sky during night? Even so, not every night the sky is full of star.
So, everytime you see stars during night, it might as well means that you are in happy mood that moment...
Posted by Carole jing at 12:40 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
the meaning of so-called 'life'
In my is something extraordinary, just some people don't seems to realise that...
The average human's life span is around 70 years...and it isn't a very long period...but fews people know about it...
The reason I take this topic as my first 'blog-writing' is because everyone who created blog mostly has the intention of telling what they are doing all the whiles in their lives...
I also never thought that I created this blog at one of my closest friend's house(cunnie)...
Well, I created it for some reasons- I got inspiration from someone I have crushed on recently-he claimed that blogging can have benefits for people who is suffering from inmsonia..
Posted by Carole jing at 4:28 AM 3 comments
Labels: b1og