Wednesday, July 16, 2008

star = good omen

My granny used to tell me that whenever you see stars in the sky, that's mean you are lucky...

I don't understand at first...but then it may be true...How many of you stare at the sky during night? Even so, not every night the sky is full of star.

So, everytime you see stars during night, it might as well means that you are in happy mood that moment...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

the meaning of so-called 'life'

In my is something extraordinary, just some people don't seems to realise that...

The average human's life span is around 70 years...and it isn't a very long period...but fews people know about it...

The reason I take this topic as my first 'blog-writing' is because everyone who created blog mostly has the intention of telling what they are doing all the whiles in their lives...

I also never thought that I created this blog at one of my closest friend's house(cunnie)...
Well, I created it for some reasons- I got inspiration from someone I have crushed on recently-he claimed that blogging can have benefits for people who is suffering from inmsonia..